I am calling the color alexandrite as that is the name given the color by Moser, who invented it around 1930. But this can cause much confusion because that name was already in use. Thomas Webb, and Stevens and Williams in England were already using the name alexandrite for their late 19 century art glass that was characterized by various shades of color produced by refiring crystal. So even though it is confusing, Moser called the color alexandrite as will I. Just in case you are not confused already, each Glass company chose it's own name for alexandrite. Heisey who I have read was the first to acquire the right to produce the color, called it alexandrite. Cambridge called it heatherbloom, Fostoria called it wisteria. Tiffin is the worst, they called it twilight, unless they made it from a old Duncan and Miller pattern, in that case they called it Dawn.
Currently it is produced in China, I have mostly seen paperweights and storage items. Block has produced a tulip shaped goblet, Cristal d’Arques also did goblets. I have seen vases from Bohemia and Murano as well as the american companies mentioned above. Boyd has recently made a sitting kitten, Bohemia a cat, Paden City did a goose, and I have a bunny I am so far unable to place!
For the practical eBayer the best way to tell if a piece you have is alexandrite is to take it to a room without windows. Use only one light source and see if it changes color. Stick a florescent bulb in your lamp then a regular incandescent light bulb. The color change is striking, you cannot miss it. On another practical note, because they have to mine the stuff, neodymium does not grow on trees! So you rarely see bargain alexandrite. I have never sold a piece for under $10.00. But older alexandrite by Heisey, Steuben or Cambridge can sell in the $500 to $1,000 Dollar range. But just the color is no guarantee. Like all antiques rarity and popularity of the individual piece drives prices.
Personally I find all elegant glass attractive! But I would have to say that Tiffin achieved the best color control, possibly because they were producing that color later, or just because they had a excellent eye for color. Fostoria’s Wisteria tends to be a little grey under, fluorescent lighting, and heatherbloom is sometimes a bit pale. But I have never seen a flaw in the Tiffin color.
Finally to be fair I should mention that Vaseline glass, obviously has the same property of changing color under different lighting. It has also been produced for a longer period, so more variety is possible in a collection. I am just not fond of florescent green!
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