Sunday, September 11, 2011

Love it!!!!

I am now on my 4th dose of the ephedrasil Hardcore and so far I love it. I have lost about 3 pounds in 2 1/2 days. I am on a strict diet also. I love how the ephedrsil hardcore makes me feel. It gives me a ton of energy. I personally wouldnt say that it decreses my appite much though BUT it does do something to your mind.....even though I am hungry....I have no desire to eat, nothing sounds good or even looks good. It does give you a sort of "high", makes you want to do everything fast, if that makes sense. It does tend to keep me awake at night, so if you are sensitive to stimulants you will have a big problem with that. So after 2 1/2 days of taking this I give it 2 thumbs up!! I hope it continues to work so well.

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