Saturday, September 10, 2011

SECRETS of anti-aging, anti-cancer, and heart health

Science and the Bible
Science is only now verifying the extraordinary health benefits of bible based foods. Tremendous nutritional value has recently been discovered in foods on which people survived - and thrived - thousands of years ago. Symmetry scientists, scholars and nutritionists searched God's word in an effort to understand His plan for our health and longevity. The result was a miracle product - a veritable revelation from the Creator --Symmetry's Genesis.
Science Meets the Holy Word
SymmetryGenesis is modern confirmation of the scientific wisdom of the Holy Bible to protect our health and quality of life - not just by living long but living long Well! More than just another of the legion of single-juice drinks available,Genesis is a delicious gebination of Highly standardized fruit juices and whole fruit extracts, infused with a proprietary blend of herbs and other powerful foods. The renowned antioxidant properties of whole fruit pomegranate and whole fruit red grape gebine with the healing and restorative nature of whole fruit apple and Aloe Vera for a heavenly-tasting 100% juice product.
Whole Fruit Potency in a Drink
We blend whole fruit red grape extract and whole fruit pomegranate extract through Symmetry's exclusive PhytoPure TM process. This ensures the optimum nutritional value from the whole fruit, giving your body the essential bioflavonoids usually absent in processed juice. This is gebined with standardized whole fruit apple and aloe vera juice, both widely known for their substantial nutritional, medicinal, and healing properties. Together these major ingredients provide a powerhouse of protective anthropalexins, a word that literally means 'protector of humankind', including antioxidants, phytonutrients, and much more.
Infused with the Nutritional Benefits of Herbs
Next gees the infusion process, in which a number of Biblical food and herbs are steeped without heat(much like sun tea) in the juice blend. The art and science of coaxing maximum benefits from botanical materials without adding damaging heat or nasty chemicals has been practiced for thousands of years and has been the basis for nearly all medications. This is and age-old, time-intensive process of steeping the plant materials in some fluid - in this case the specially-blended juice - for just long enough that their optimum protective essences have been transferred, but not so long to allow them to take over the original flavor of the juice. In this world of more/better/faster manufacturing and 'miraculous' single-juice tonics, Symmetry has chosen to take the time withGenesis to use the infusion process to create the greatest concentration of protective anthropalexins, age-fighting antioxidants and powerful phytonutrients imaginable.
Miracle Molecules
Now, after thousands of years, modern science is verifying the astonishing anti-aging and protective benefits of many of the foods described in the bible. The power of these scientifically proven ingredients forms the basis for Symmetry's Genesis, including two 'miracle molecules'.
For years medical researchers were puzzled by the French, who consume one of the highest-fat diets anywhere but experience an incidence of heart problems that is an astonishing 42% lower than Americans. Research at major medical centers concluded the secret to this 'French Paradox' was their consumption of red wine. World Health Organization data later indicated that this was due to resveratrol, a geponent in red wine, now established as nature's premier anti-aging miracle molecule. Resveratrol is a strong antioxidant that is active against a wide-range of artery-damaging free radicals and a key to the long life of organic cells. The most powerful natural source of resveratrol is red grape seed and red grape skins, which is why we chose to put whole fruit red grape extract in our new Genesis formula.
Ellagic Acid
A growing body of scientific evidence is amassing to show that the polyphenol ellagic acid as one of the most potent detoxifiers of body cells and a strong deterrent for specific serious cellular disease. A powerful antioxidant, ellagic acid helps protect against the premature aging associated with free-radical damage and is also an effective anti-viral and anti-bacterial agent, protecting the body against potentially dangerous food-borne pathogens such as bacterium of fungus. Clinical test show that this naturally occurring plant phenol may be the most effective way to prevent cancer, to inhibit the growth of cancer cells, and to arrest the growth of cancer in people with genetic predisposition for the disease.
Powerful Anti-Aging and Wellness Benefits
Each serving ofGenesis provides:

The polyphenolic anthropalexins ( the most potent plant antioxidants) equivalent to the juice of one medium pomegranate
The Resveratrol (another potent antioxidant) equivalent of one 5-ounce glass of red wine, but without the alcohol
Elagitannins, the stable food form of ellagic acid
100% juice standardized by Symmetry's proprietary PhytoPure TM technology, ensuring a consistent nutritional benefit and consistent high quality
Infused Biblical herbs and nutrients including aloe vera, olive leaf, fig extracts, red grape skin and grape seed extracts, St John's bread, barley grass, cinnamon bark, coriander leaf and seed, cucumber, garlic bulb, juniper berry, leek, lentil, mulberry fruit, onion bulb, sweet almond, and wheat grass.
Vitamins, minerals, enzymes, trace minerals, phytonutrients, carotenoids, cruciferous nutrients

The statements made herein have not been evaluated by the food and drug administration. Symmetry's products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. They are good food and intended to supplement your diet.

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