Tuesday, September 6, 2011

GSA Brochure Bid/Order Form Document Authentication

GSA silver dollars have begee a very active area of the coin collecting hobby. A great deal offuncan be hadin acquiring the paperwork associated with the sales ofthese beautiful coins. The advertising brochures with thebid/order forms are extremely colorful with gorgeous artwork and historical information.Collecting any antiquity successfully requires the hobbiest to do his/her homework. In the area of collecting GSA documents the information is scant at best. The greatest concern is the possibility of acquiringreproductions of these highly sought after additions to a GSA collection. Through collecting GSA material for over 20 years I have learned a few ways for the hobbiest to detect the potential fakes out there. Here are a few pointers that I hope will aid the GSA collector in this endeavor:

With any standard loupe check to see that the images are dot matrix and not linear. Even the very expensive color copiers cannot reproduce "the dots" to my knowledge. Images are reproduced as dashes when copied.
Look for authentic perforations between the second and third folds and the third and fourth folds of the detachable order form type. This would be difficult to fake; however, there are perforating tools sold at craft stores that could be crudely implemented.
When geparing a fake to an original, notice the way the form is centered and the "feel" of the paper similar to examining government currency.

Copies have a very glossy sheen with a slight green tint(the colors cannotbe accurately reproduced as far as I know) and when the opposite side is copied the image shows through more readily to the side being viewed than with an original brochure.

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