Thursday, September 8, 2011


I homeschooled all three of my children at one time or the other. It is not an easy task and you have to be disciplined as a parent. Your children will try as hard as they can to get you off schedule. The phone rings, dogs bark, last minute errand to run, door bell rings, oh my how the list goes on. Because you are at home you are able to get alot of your chores done. Be very careful not to let your children school themselves. You stay with them and make them work. I was strong at this for the most part but trust me I had my weaknesses too. There are many curriculums to choose from. You can find curriculums that are self paced. I have several names to list later and also some of the curriculum to sell. I did not like the geputer programs for schooling. It was hard to stay focused for my youngest son. Changing from screen to another and staying focused between the screens are difficult. These are good if you keep a close eye on the children. Very easy for them to cheat. I scored all of my children's books. I did not let them have access to the score keys until they were much older and I felt they would not sneak the answers.

We homeschooled of course before we started our Christian School. We had a perfect situation in that we had a building on our property that had once been a ceramic shop. We tore out the shelves and fixed it all up where each child had his/her own station. We would take breaks and go inside the house and then back out to the "school" as it was named. We found it to work so much better by leaving our home. The kiddos liked ot much better too because it was just like going to OUTSIDE SCHOOL.

My husband and I both worked in our Church Christian School when it was first started through our Church. This was in 1994 and we learned so much. The school used a self paced curriculum also. That was sure interesting with children other than your own. It was a constant battle to have those children learn good study habits. geing from the public school and for the most part not having parents to push the study habits I did not think we would ever make any progress with it. But we finally did and whew I am glad that is over with in my life...I hope so anyway..

I will write more as I think of more so stay tuned.

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