Sunday, September 4, 2011

How Seller's can Help Clean Up s : DEADBEAT BIDDERS

always report deadbeat bidder's!!
negative feedback is not enough!
Use your Dispute console, That is why it's there.
okay's "deadbeat bidder's" that do not pay, make okay an unhappy place
Seller's please help get rid of these!
Negative feedback is only a number, in order for okay to suspend, terminate or restrict thenon-payingbidder...the deadbeat must be reported through the dispute console so that okay gives them unpaid item strikes.
These are the steps to take:
1- Report an unpaid item
2- buyer is supposed to respond...if they don't, after 8 days you can end gemunication with them and you will receive a final value fee credit. (THIS IS WHAT okay CHARGED YOU AFTER SELLING YOUR ITEM) (please do not listen to "sob" stories, as this just drags the dispute on) Also, if your auction terms were clearly stated, theyARE aware of them. The bidder then will receive an unpaid item strike. (okay only allows a few of these before they restrict, suspend or terminate the NON- PAYMENT BIDDER'Saccount)
IF the bidder does not respond to the UNPAID ITEM DISPUTE, they can't leave does not count (this helps to cut out "revenge negative feedback")
3- Some okayer's will pay as soon as as you open a dispute (sometimes they may have overlooked they that had'nt paid you, sometimes they need to know that your serious), then you close the dispute as a gepleted transaction. (you do not receive a final value credit if the buyer gepletes the transaction) Appropriate feedback should be left only after it is left for the seller (you)
Always remember to check the status of your disputes and to close them out after the regemended amount of days. If you do not close them out, you will not receive a FINAL VALUE FEE CREDIT (that is the fee that okay charges you after you sell your item, it is a percentage of the total money that your item sold for) Since it didn't actually sell (deadbeat bidder), you can get this back.
If all seller's would start using this system the way it was meant to be used, WE CAN ALL HELP TO MAKE okay A BETTER PLACE!
Please send this to all other seller's that you know and get rid of DEADBEATS!
Please let me know that there was a point for me to write this guide....PLEASE VOTE "YES" that it helped you andPASS IT ON!!

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