Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Understanding s's New Feedback System

Understanding okay's New Feedback SystemThis guide has been written to clear up some misunderstandings of okay's recently changed feedback policy. This guide applies to all sellers - not just "TheBlueDot"
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We work hard for our customers and want buyers to better understand the okay feedback system, since okay does not really explain their feedback system to buyers when leaving feedback. We as a seller would never do anything to intentionally jeopardize receiving anythingless than positive 5 star feedback because we earn our livings through okay and okay penalizes us heavily monetarily for non-positive / sub-5 star feedback! We want our customers to be happy and returning ones. Obviously not unhappy ones that never shop at our store again. Our philosophy is that the happier the customer, the more friends and family they will probably mention our store to.
Did You Know?

If a seller receives more than a few (more than 0.5% - yes point 5 percent!) Detailed Seller Ratings of less than 5's, Sellers are significantly penalized by okay. The same is true for filed disputes on PayPal or okay. If we receive more than 0.5% low DSR scores for any DSR category or more than 0.5% filed disputes we as sellers are severely penalized. The --- outgee of the dispute does not matter --- and once a dispute has been filed the damage to a seller has already been done. 0.5% is 1 out of every 200 customers. It does not take much at all to have a devastating impact on a seller! A lot of okay sellers earn their livings on okay like ourselves and must support other employees salaries. You may think that you are leaving a reasonable rating by giving a seller DSR's of 4's , but okay's feedback
system treats anything less than 5 's as sub-standard and penalizes sellers for DSR ratings that average under 4.60. Contact the seller prior to leaving your feedback - we personally will go the extra mile to make sure things went right. Filing disputes on okay or PayPal significantly slows down the resolution process. We generally respond to email responses we receive in 24 business hours or less. We are only in business because of our repeat customers. We want you to be happy and return to us. We will work out any issues with you!
As a seller we are provided selling fee discounts if we maintain above a 4.8 DSR score in all 4 categories and even a bigger discount for a 4.9 or higher DSR score. Also - if a seller receives more than 1% non-positive feedback in any 30 day period, that seller's items are dropped to the bottom of search results when a potential customer does a search on okay. Our sales are impacted at least 50% when this happens.
Don't take our word for it - check out the Internet Merchant Association's page on leaving feedback - www.leavingfeedback.ge

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